On Sun, 2006-04-16 at 12:35 +0200, Guido Pinkernell wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 16. April 2006 04:07 schrieb John Jason Jordan:
> > On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 11:03:56 +1000
> >
> > Ross Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:
> > > As suggested earlier in this thread, use the OOo spadmin app. Maybe
> > > you missed it. (Run it as the 'root' user to install fonts to be
> > > available to all users on the machine).
> >
> > Spadmin will not do the job.
> >
> > First, it sees only "Generic Printer," which was installed by Ubuntu as
> > a default. It does not see my Laserjets.
> Are you using cups? See [1]. Anyway, setting up  printer with spadmin is 
> something different than installing fonts with spadmin. To get past the 
> problem with "Generic Printer" (which is not necessary for installing 
> fonts), in spadmin you create a PDF-Printer, say, and then add the command 
> line you normally use to access your printer. In KDE I simply add 
> "kprinter".

Unless I've totally missed something, to get OOo applications to see the
fonts (i.e. in the font selection drop list etc) you need to install
them using spadmin. Maybe you can just drop them into the appropriate
directory, but I've always assumed that spadmin may do more than just
that. I also assume this means that the OOo printing component can then
also use them, but I wasn't referring to printing specifically, just to
using the fonts in OOo apps.


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