MS is on record as saying that it would support OpenDocument (the main format used by if there were customer demand. [1] You can help show customer demand by adding your name to the list, if you haven't done so already:

[1] "Microsoft Says Maybe to ODF"

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have recently installed 2.0.2. I would like to know if  this
version is compatible with Microsoft Office 2003 and if newer versions will
support the upcoming Office 2007, with publicly released DTDs for the new
XML-based file system.

Hmm. Working that way would be harder. Neither the file format for MSO 2003 nor the new format for MSO 2007 (MOOX) are public in the way you suggest. Both have 'reference' schemas which are *not* freely available for use in actual applications like OOo. Each has its own kind of "look but don't touch" license.

Perhaps the DTDs are usable by the public, but without the schemas, the DTDs can be of no use. I've followed the developments closely, though perhaps not as closely as some others, and see no indication that the licensing restrictions for the schemas will be relaxed anytime soon. The MSO 2003 format is particularly restricted in that way, but since it has far less that 15% of MS' own market and will be made obsolete by MOOX (when/if it's ready) it can be ignored.

You are right, though, to ask about MOOX because if people start to move from MSO 97 and MSO XP to MSO 2007, then it will become relevant. However, looking at the specs for both OpenDocument and MOOX, you can see that the latter is less fleshed out, apparently less flexible, and more oriented towards details of formatting (which should be handled by the stylesheet instead) rather than structure.

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