I am using OpenOffice.org 2.0 with Windows XP. I did a spell check on a 
document in Spanish with all the language settings for Spanish except in 
Control Panel. The spellcheck froze and the document shut down, but restore 
recovered it. I did exactly the same thing again, and the spellcheck worked, 
not like what I am used to, but it did operate without failure. This time it 
offered for replacements Spanish and English words. I reviewed the document for 
spelling and it was correct. 

  A third spellcheck of the document only picked up one word that was spelled 
correctly and was the same as the suggested word. I changed the default 
language on the tools-language setting to English. It automatically changed the 
setting on the format-font setting to Spanish, and it caught one error, then 
reverted back to English. If it will continue doing this good, I will be happy, 
but I wish there was a way to change the language easier.  With the sporatic 
failures, I don't know how to narrow it down.  Thanks for trying to help.

CPHennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On Thu April 20 2006 02:42, + Joseph Thomas wrote:
> I prepare documents in English and Spanish, and I am having a lot of
> crashes and other problems when I try to use the spellcheck. I was able to
> use the thesaurus once, but it doesn't even give me the option now. I have
> to go to tools-options-language and change to the language I will be using
> and then to format-character-language to even have a chance of avoiding
> problems. Now, I have to go back to Word in order to use the other
> features. I hope you can tell me what I am probably doing wrong or is this
> a glitch in the program.

Hi Joseph,
What version of OpenOffice.org are you using and on what operating system ?

Please reply to users@openoffice.org only

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?

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