On Sun April 30 2006 19:34, + Timothy Lee wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> Thanks for responding.  Help, About Open Office, says I am running Open
> Office 2.0.  Do I need to update to 2.0.2 for this problem?
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: CPHennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: users@openoffice.org, "Timothy Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [users] Text Template will not remember font setting
> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 10:14:58 +0100
> On Mon April 24 2006 21:44, + Timothy Lee wrote:
>  >  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
>  > In an earlier email, it was explained to me how to ensure that Open
> Office
>  > 2.0 should remember my desired font size, 10 pt.  So I made a blank
>  > template, set the Font to 10, and saved it.  Then I used File,
>  > Templates, Organize, and clicked on Set as Default.
>  >
>  > Whenever I have done this (3 times so far), the very next time I open a
>  > new, blank document, it comes up in 10 pt.  But the second and third
> time,
>  > it comes up in 12 pt. again.  Again, I find the template, change the
>  > font to 10 pt., and click Set as Default.  But it only works once.
>  >
>  > Running Windows 2000, with all updates.
> Are you also using OpenOffice.org 2.0.2 ?

I would recommend that you upgrade to 2.0.2. 

Please reply to users@openoffice.org only

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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