Thank you so much! It's finally working. I think I pulled a writer PDF down but 
didn't find the instructions I was looking for. Maybe I just missed them. 
Thanks for your help. I also just shut OO down each time I'm doing envelopes so 
it doesn't crash on me as I adjust the envelope print format.

CPHennessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On Mon May 1 2006 01:01, + Pat Premick wrote:
> I'd appreciate your help in getting this to work. I have a mailing of 200
> letters to go out early this week. The letter is ready to go, if I can just
> get the envelopes to print with an address on them. Thanks.

Hi Pat,
Please have a look at the chapter for mail merging and printing envelopes:

Please reply to only

CPH : contributor

Maybe your question has been answered already?


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