Guy Johnston wrote:
Paul Francis wrote:
I have looked at the Open Office website and am really impressed.

1. Does the Open Office suite also incorporate the equivalent of
Microsoft Outlook (that is our common email program)

2. Is the Open Office suite also compatible with Microsoft Project?

3. Is the Open Office suite also compatible with Microsoft Visio?



(Paul Francis)

Quality Co-ordinator


02 9339 8097

No it doesn't come with an equivalent of Outlook, I think mostly because the OOo developers believe, with good reason, that an email program isn't an office applicaiton, and they should be separate, and there are already plenty of good Free Software email programs. I'd recommend Mozilla Thunderbird. Yes OOo can open and save to the Microsoft Office file formats. I'm pretty sure it's not compatible with Microsoft Visio files, though I might be wrong.
It's not compatible with Visio, but OOo Draw can do a lot of what Visio can. Visio is only a recent (maybe 5 years) aquisition of Microsoft. Before it was an independent product.


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