
I am currently using openoffice 1.1.x as a listener to do conversion of ppt
to pdf with the JavaConverter. We have a script that does this with the

daemon Xvfb :1 -fbdir /tmp &
daemon ooffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp" -display :1 &

I have discovered that I can fix conversion problems with certain slides
(that we end up converting to bitmap image files) if i do the conversion
with openoffice 2.0. I have only verified this by opening the ooffice gui
with the ppt and exporting to pdf manually.

I tried doing the same as the above commands with 2.0, however I cannot get
the 2.0 process to listen on port 8100 with the commandlines:

daemon Xvfb :1 -fbdir /tmp &
daemon /opt/openoffice.org2.0/program/soffice
"-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp" -display :1 &

the process starts, but it does not listen on port 8100, and the conversion
with JavaConverter is not successful.

for example:

# netstat -nap | grep office
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2117629
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     2117625 12892/soffice.bin

whether I use "soffice" or "soffice.bin" in the command line. Rather than:

# netstat -nap | grep office
tcp        0      0    *
LISTEN      12933/soffice.bin
tcp        0      0   
CLOSE_WAIT  12933/soffice.bin
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2118047
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     2118150 12933/soffice.bin
unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     2118045 12933/soffice.bin

for 1.1.x

Am I going about this correctly? Is there a different mechanism to start
ooffice in 2.0 as a listener/server process. And also, should I be using a
different JavaConverter program?


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