Jo wrote:
Thomas Ronayne wrote:
G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 16:20 -0400, Thomas Ronayne wrote:
Other than export-to-word, open-word-document is there any utility around that will either convert a FrameMaker document to ODF or, oh this would be nice, open a FrameMaker document in OpenOffice?

Nope. I have been playing with a MIF import filter but not having much
What is wrong with the export to Word, Open as Word document in OOo route? You only have to do it once for each file. On the FM side it can be scripted with Framescript, on the OOo side it can be automated with OOo Basic. FM books are a different matter though. For those you would have to create master documents in OOo.

'Cause when you export (a book's chapters and the like particularly) to word you lose stuff and when you import from word you lose more stuff and the entire exercise is generally a pain where you sit down. What I usually wind up having to do is save the FrameMaker file as text then do the thing in OpenOffice -- at least that way I don't have to deal with all the Wonderful Things microjunk persists in doing to "help" me then having to undo them later. The idea is to avoid word completely if at all possible.

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