Johnny, I understand all that you've said about changing base point. I don't know if it's possible to make OOo remember the base point you selected. But here's a completely different method that *might* accomplish what you want.

Select your shape, whatever it is. F4, change the base point, move it where you want it.

Now enter a *new* shape into your document, a rectangle is good. Make it an exact multiple of grid size, vertical and horizontal, and big enough to completely cover your original shape.

Change the borders of this new rectangle to Invisible, and the Fill to None.

Position this new, now-invisible rectangle over your original shape, completely surrounding it.

Group the two shapes together.

Now when you click on your shape, you'll select both it and the surrounding invisible rectangle. Since the rectangle is a grid size multiple, you can reposition it by whatever base point you (or OOo) please, and your shape will maintain its off-grid position within.

Johnny Andersson wrote:

I can see that my Alt+0149 and Alt+0183 doesn't look right so maybe that make it even harder to understand what I am looking for.

Alt+0149 is a fat multiplication dot
Alt+0183 is a thin multiplication dot (sorry for bad English if that's the case...)

More comments below...

Den 2006-07-22 02:24:20 skrev Bob Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Johnny Andersson wrote:

I draw a square, rectangle or a circle (really doesn't matter in this
Then I hit F4 and edit the base point setting. It is set to upper left
corner so I change it to the center in the middle, if you understand
what I mean...

Yes, I follow so far...

Great... =)

Standard setting:
.  ·  ·
·  ·  ·
·  ·  ·

Upper left corner selected

New setting:
·  ·  ·
·  .  ·
·  ·  ·

Center point selected

Pressing Enter and hoping that things change.

So you have simply selected a different base point, to which the Position X
and Y values in the fields to the left of the diagram apply. You have not
said that you have actually changed any X or Y values. What exactly are you
expecting to change?

I didn't change X and Y values, at least not yet. All I want to happen is that Draw will remember that I selected another base point than the preset one. Since the X and Y values are the same as before, I think that the object mybe should move a bit too... but the reason to select the center point is that I want the center point, rather than the upper left point, of the object to snap to the grid.

Pressing F4 again to verify that things are OK, but they aren't.
My new setting has immediately been replaced by the standard setting.

Are you saying you expected the position of your object to change? Or do you simply want the "Position and Size" dialog to remember which base point you
have previously selected?

I think both would happen if this worked correctly, as I see it. X anf Y should now refer to the center point instead of the upper left point, which indeed should change the position of the object a bit. And of course Draw should remember my setting, why would I otherwise change it? It's not THAT fun to click on stuff... =)

How can I make Draw to remember what I told it to do just one second

If you mean remembering the base point you just selected, then OOo 2.0.3
does not remember either. Might be worth an enhancement request, if there is not already one there. In my use, it would be more convenient if the center
point was selected.

Yes, I might consider that. I mean, what's the point to be able to change the base point if Draw doesn't care anyway? The function should either be removed or work properly, don't you think?

But the funny thing is that I think that I actually got this to work some time ago, I can't just remember how I did it...


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