I have used open office on my mac (X11) without problems.

Now I'm trying to get it to run under windows.

I get a dialog box at startup telling me that configuration data is corrupted.

The file is inside my profile, inside application data\open

Looking in the directories, as soon as I get to "cache", the directory is empty.

First, how do I get this to run on windows?

Second, the error box and my choices:

Configuration data is corrupt. Without this data some functions may
not operate correctly. Do you want to continue without the corrupted
data? (Yes/No)

Well, does continuing without the corrupted data mean that things will
not operate correctly? Or does continuing with the corrupted data mean
things will not operate correctly?

And, in general,

Yes, do not use the data
No, do use the data

seems to be backwards.

But really, I can think of 4 choices that should exist:
1- Use the corrupt data
2- Do not use corrupt data, use some default good data
3- Do not use the corrupt data, use an empty dataset
4 - Abort, do not start up, just exit.

Which of these is the "yes" and which is the "no"?

And finally, why am I getting a URL'd version of the filename,
complete with "%20" all over (Documents%20and%20Settings, etc) and a
file:/// at the start?

If the goal is to provide something that end users can use, this seems
needlessly confusing.

Oh, and can that error panel PLEASE support copy/paste? I hope I
didn't make a typo trying to retype it.

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