
I had been an Excel user and wanted to shift to OpenOffice. I first tried a Kubuntu LiveCD and was impressed that OO-Spreadsheet (which is Calc) is quite good. It got the auto-filter and some simple formula functions which I often use in Excel.

Unfortunately, when I installed OO 2.0.3 under Windows, the auto-filter isn't the same as what I experience under the LiveCD.

Here are the issues which I hope you guys can help:

- I do auto-filter under column A, B. With these data... Column A (1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4) Column B (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H). When I filter column A to show all 1s it shows 1,1 and A,B which is correct, but when I click on the down arrow for the filtering under column B, it showed me A to H. Under LiveCD and Excel, it should show me only A and B.

- under LiveCD and Excel, I can do custom filter and choose all entries that BEGINS with, ENDS with, CONTAIN specific characters, but under OO2.0.3 Windows, I don't have these options.

- there are times when I do filter, all the headers rows went out or hidden. I have to undo and redo to make it NOT disappear.

I do need help on this one.

Jojo W.

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