
You said:
--- start of quote ---
This behaviour is as it should be ....
In MsOffice, certain from fields can be used to imput data, by tabbing
from one field to another. Therefore the form has to be protected ...
Thus if you open the documentn in OOo, it is still protected.
--- end of quote ---

Sorry, but I really don't understand the "therefore" in the middle of that. The word "therefore" means that there is a cause and effect relationship. Why does being able to input data by tabbing from one field to another mean that the form has to be protected?

When I *unprotect* the form by unchecking the "Write Protected" boxes under Format/Sections, I can fill in the form by tabbing from one field to another. This seems completely to contradict your "therefore".

Or have I misunderstood something?

Regards, Harold

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