On Fri, 2006-11-08 at 16:38 -0400, William Case wrote:
> Hi;
Just double checking that I have things in some date formulae written

OOo starts dating at 30/12/1899 but shows in a cell as Dec 29, 1899 when
MMM DD, YYYY formatting is applied.  It appears to lose a day.  The
30/12/1899 date none-the-less is the date that is used for internal date
arithmetic, is it not?

In Help the WEEKS() Function is defined as follows:

WEEKS(Start date, End date, Type)
Calculates the difference in weeks between two dates.
Start date: First date
End date: Second date
Type: Calculates the type of difference. The possible values are 0
(interval) and 1 (in numbers of weeks).

If the Start date is set to 30/12/1899 and End date is today, WEEKS() 
returns 5562 weeks for Type value 0 and 5563 for Type value 1 -- a 1
week difference.

'Help' is not clear on the difference between interval type (0) and 'in
number of weeks' type (1).  I assume Type 0, simply means the net date
value is divided by 7, while Type 1 is an actual count of weeks.  What I
really want to do is count the number of Mondays since the 30/12/1899
start date.  I think this means I should use Type 1 but I would like to
have that assumption confirmed, if someone could take the time to help.

Regards Bill

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