WANG, Xiaoyun <arsnova <at>> writes:

> .... I have cells whose contents are a reference to a cell in
> another sheet plus a suffix of a number. So it goes like this:
> =ANOTHERSHEET.CELL&"number". I want to fill a series of cells with the
> same expression with only incremental/decremental changes on the
> suffixed number. However, in the above expression, the number is
> actually a text so it can not be increased or decreased automatically.
> In fact, when I want to fill the cells, Calc will increase or decrease
> the ANOTHERSHEET.CELL reference. How could I avoid this happen and
> apply the changes to the number?
To prevent the cell reference changing, you will need to use absolute references
such as =Sheet2.$A$1  The $ signifies that the reference is absolute.  If you
are only dragging down, only the row number needs to be absolute.  If you are
only dragging across, only the column number needs to be absolute.

To get the numbers incrementing, you will need to enter them as numbers in
separate cells.  Let's say you are using Sheet1.  Enter 1 in A1 and drag it down
to increment it.  In B1 enter =Sheet2.$A$1 & A1 and drag that down.

Hide the numbers column or enter your numbers on Sheet2 if you do not want them
to be visible on Sheet1: =Sheet2.$A$1 & Sheet2.B1 (where the numbers are in
column B on Sheet2.


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