
Thank you for the update on the status of your installation of for MacOSX Intel.  I use the same release and was
the individual who QA'd and released it.  See my comments on your
problems below after your last comment.  I have removed the other
information as it is correct.

James M.

sigve berge hofland wrote:
> Version 2.0.3. I have tried these:
> <>
> <>
> I have tried with the OS language set to Norwegian and English.
> There is actually one thing I haven't done according to the
> instructions, namely: "-> Once the copy is completed, unmount the
> image (right-click, or CTRL/click : unmount image)". I have tried to
> right-click absolutely everything, but nowhere do I get the option to
> "unmount image". Could this be the problem, and how do I unmount it?
Now to unload the disk image:  In the same window that has the listing
of files on the image is the image name with an international
eject button.  Click on it to 'eject' the disk image.

I don't know why this should make a difference, but I do this step out
of habit so that I do not launch the wrong copy.

Now on to one more question, are you trying to start as a
user with administrative privileges?  You must do so the
first time that 2.0.3 is launched.

Also, you have downloaded the English version for the Power PC
platform.  If you own a MacTel, you must use the Intel version. 
If you are looking for the Norsk version, it is available from the
following source
and is not an officcial release that has been through the full QA
process.  It is at
and is named OOo_2.0.3rc7_MacOSXPPC_nn.dmg.

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