G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
Now after all this, you should consider upgrading when you get your
problem solved. because the current release is 2.0.3 and the latest
stable 1.x.x versioin is 1.1.5


This has always puzzled me and can you clarify it some? Mac OOo 2.3r3 has functioned perfectly for me despite my abuse and twisting it into a pretzel and it's always come through, no trips. The only "complaint" I have is its somewhat shackled Mac feature sets (which hopefully Aqua OOo will be able to address), but otherwise I'm a happy camper. So from my perspective it's a "stable" product, but how do OOo engineers and programmers define "stable"? A point-one bug rate? When there are zero bugs? (is this even possible??). Just like to know how and where the line is drawn between "stable" and "beta."

Thanks unsung OOo engineers & keep up the great work!

James Greenidge

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