On Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:41 PM [GMT+1=CET], arnold huzen <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The problem is that it shouldn't be necessary to go to the
> PrintPreview to determine on which page you are, so you can tell OOO
> which page it should print. The current sheet should be the default
> and if I hit the Print-button it should print the current sheet, not
> the whole spreadsheet.    
> Arnold Huzen
>> van: SandyU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> datum: 2006/09/28 Thu PM 01:33:18 CEST
>> aan: users@openoffice.org
>> onderwerp: Re: [users]
>> Greetings.
>> On my system (2.0.2), the print preview shows a preview of each page
>> with the page number at the foot of the preview.  When I open the
>> preview, it opens at the page I have in front of me.
>> The print dialogue gives me the option to select the pages to be
>> printed. 
>> I regret that I am having difficulty identifying the problem.
There seems to be some confusion: pages are not the same as sheets. One sheet 
can cover multiple pages. I don't know if you can squeeze multiple sheets onto 
a single page.

By default, Calc creates new spreadsheets with three *sheets*. The Print 
Preview function first shows you the first page of the sheet you are currently 
working on (as identified by the labelled tabs at the bottom of the screen). At 
the left end of the toolbar are buttons for "Next Page" and "Previous Page". 
These buttons are *correctly* labelled. They move the preview from page to 
page, crossing sheet boundaries as necessary.

Page numbering is continuous; it does *not* start at 1 for each sheet (I don't 
know if that is changeable).

If you want to print only the selected sheet, go to File>Print>Options and 
check the box labelled "Print only selected sheets".

If you want to print only the selected sheet by default, go to 
Tools>Options>OpenOffice.org Calc>Print>Options and check the box labelled 
"Print only selected sheets". This is "sticky" on my installation (2.0.3 on Win 
XP Pro/SP2).

Admittedly, if you have sheets with multiple pages then there is no way I can 
find, other than via Print Preview, of knowing which *page* you are on. This 
seems to me to be a defect but I'm not sure how best it could be fixed. Perhaps 
someone could cheat and see how E***l does it. I can't as I don't have it 
installed anywhere.

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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