Jonathon Blake wrote:
Lou wrote:

According to the following announcement, Koffice has text to speech.

Text2Speech is just one part of the equation.

From a purely a11y POV, the critical issue is data input, not output.

A fully a11y program can handle input that uses any of the following:
* Joystick;
* Perkins Keyboard;
* Toggle Switch;
* Virtual Keyboard that can be controlled by any of the above;
* Standard Keyboard;
* Speech;

The program status has to be able to be conveyed by any of the following:
* Speech;
* Sound;
* Braille ( on Braille Display Screen );
* Text ( on standard computer monitor );

Program output should be available for:
* Output on a Braille printer;
* Output on a Moon Language printer;
* Output on a standard printer;
* Output as a sound file;

Then there are things like _full_ keyboard navigation.   All functions
have to be accessible thru the keyboard.  This can be either system
shortcuts, or a series of menus that can be typed thru, or preferably
both, to every possible function.

All icons, images, and graphics have to be given relevant names, that
can be recognized by screen reading software;

Colours must be distinctly different in hue, shade, and tone, with a
high contrast background.  [This is to cover both colour blindness,
and low vision.]

All text must be adjustable in size, by both oif the following:
* Screen magnification of the "local" screen area;
* User has the ability to easilly change fonts, font sizes, and font colours;

The final issue is documentation. Everything has to be described in terms of:
* using a mouse for all functions --- including text input;
* using a keyboard for all functions --- including navigation;

Those are merely some of the issues required for an a11y program.

So how does KOffice measure up?  Do you know?

Brandon would have to install a Unix system to use it.

The announcement states: "This version of KOffice has support for enhanced accessibility through the means of mouseless operation and text-to-speech functionality.

It is therefore our hope that KOffice can in future be used even by handicapped users, and we are very interested in feedback on this."


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