Thanks for your suggestions. I think the solutions may be beyond my competence, and in that we're talking about a fairly small number of records (65) it might in the end be less time-consuming to re-enter everything - but I don't want the same thing to happen again. Anyone got any suggestions what I did wrong?

After I sent my first email I had a look at the forums, and I found I'm not the only one to have lost things in Base:

Is there a OOo Base Bermuda Triangle?


Dotan Cohen wrote:
On 20/10/06, Brian E. Blandford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Panic drives me to re-subscribe!
I was working on my CD collection data-base.
I was increasing the permitted number of characters in one of the fields
in the table (I had discovered increasing the permitted characters in a
form via its controls doesn't work, which is why I was editing the table)
I got the usual message when exiting "Do you want to save the changes?",
clicked to save - and then found next time I tried to open the data base
all the data had gone. The fields were there, but blank, waiting for me
to input data for record 1.
Is it gone for good? Or is there any way to restore the data?
(How I wish Linux has a similar facility to Windows XP "restore"!)

Windows restore will restore the system to a "point" in the past, it
won't restore user's files. In any case, Linux has rsync, which you
can use to back up your data.

First things first, unmount the drive! What filesystem are you on? If
it's ext2/3 (it probably is) then you had better take it to a
professional. If it's FATx then hit google, there are many solutions
available for that insecure filesystem. If it's JFS or Reiser, then
you might want to ask on those filesystem's mailing lists- recovery
may stil be possible.

Dotan Cohen

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