On Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:59 AM [GMT+1=CET], Harold Fuchs <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday, October 23, 2006 1:50 AM [GMT+1=CET], Chris BONDE
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>> Greetings,
>>> My father recently purchased a new computer.  The only program he
>>> ever used on his old computer was MSWord.  With the new purchase
>>> he's received Works which, of course, doesn't allow him to access
>>> his old documents.  I think he'd be  more comfortable using the
>>> OpenOffice Writer program than trying to learn Works.  Is there any
>>> way for him to just download OpenOffice's Writer program alone?  He
>>> is on a slow dial up connection and can not, and does not require,
>>> the entire OpenOffice programs.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Constance
>> Unfortunately you cannot download just certain parts of
>> OpenOffice.org.  You have to download the complete suite.  The best
>> way on dial=up (as I am on dial-up) is to use a download manager.  I
>> have been using LeechGet as was suggested on the download site.  I
>> have since 'plugged it' into  FireFox and it seems to work very well.
>> However, if he is just interested in a word processor he might look
>> into some of the other OpenSouce word processors.  For the moment,
>> being a Sr, I forget the names of the others.  However, I think that
>> Open Office.org will allow he and you to grow into a great
>> environment.
> He could also order a CD. This would not necessarily be entirely free
> but the price would be minimal - typically only covering the cost of
> the CD itself and the postage. You can order a CD on the same page as
> you would otherwise have started the download procedure.   
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England
Alternatively you, or a colleague/friend/... with broadband could download it, 
write ("burn") the resulting single file onto a CD and give that to your father.

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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