Kirill S. Palagin wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Dotan Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [users] Openoffice - is it legal?
But I'm glad to hear that the suprises waiting for a Vista user will be pleasant. I use Linux because I find it to be a better OS than the current Microsoft offering. Knowing that something better is in the works is good.

"Better" is so subjective ... .

Blaming is not counter-productive. To combat a problem you must unerstand it's source. Hatred certainly is counter-productive.
However, I can't find any references to hate in this thread.

I can:
"Oh, how I hope Vista bite MS where the sun shouldn't shine."
"The more interesting question is how many cattle will
    revolt when they start tangling with the nagware M$ built
into long (overdue) horn. Since most of them are used to the FDH user model, getting nagged will come as an
    unpleasant shock. And that is a good thing..."

The whole list is so fuming with hatred, it makes me wonder how many
participants would execute suicide bombing in MS offices. It is
Otherwise it would be very nice community with extremely helpful,
patient and knowledgeable people.

I wouldn't.  :)  I would rather see MS suffer the fate of losing billions.

Reading the new EULA rules for Vista and the features/restrictions that are going to be included will lead to problems for many. Heck, the proposed rule on VM will cost us money as we run Windows in Virtual machines under Linux.

>Deleted long rant<

I admit that I am anti-Microsoft but that is beside the point on this list. I have had my headaches with XP-Pro that has kept me on Linux. FWIW, my wife uses Mac for Work and Linux at home. Won't even consider Windows either from her own experiences.

Robin Laing

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