Terry wrote:
I have posted this on the Calc users' list but, because that list is fairly inactive, thought to post here as well.

Looking for an answer to a question in the forum, I discovered a strange thing.

I am unable to sort a row in alphabetical order.

I place the letters c, a and b (in that order) in contiguous cells in a row. I use Data >Sort, choose sort by c (it doesn't seem to make any difference), select "Left to right", de-select "Range contains row labels", press OK and ... I still have c a b (in that order).

Is there any way to sort a row in Calc?

Hi Terry

I just had a play with this (2.0.4 on gentoo linux)

Seems you have to select the range of cells in the row. Then it offers the row in the Sort dialogue. I also set the language, but just experimented with changing from English Australian to English USA and sort still worked.

Trying again it seemed to need the options (second tab) to be changed, especially it seems to need "Range contains row labels" unchecked, then I could go back and the row to sort was offered, and sorting occurred.



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