On Tuesday 14 November 2006 09:40 am, Brenda ML Brown, Legal 
Secretary/Assistant wrote:
> I had sent an email once before to the help desk asking how to
> become part of the list serve and I got no response.  So I started
> to email people this way and keep getting emails saying that most
> likely I won't be getting responses because I haven't joined.  How
> do I join?  I have had a lot of questions that seem to be lost in
> space and never answered.
> One big question I have is about auto fill.  When I start to type a
> city, in Word it would auto fill in the city, state and zip for me.
>  That is really beneficial in my line of work.  However, i can't
> seem to utilize the auto fill in OpenOffice....they don't seem to
> be the same thing.  Any ideas on how I can get this to work??
> Brenda ML Brown, Legal Assistant/Secretary

     I see that you have already received a reply concerning how this 
mailing list works.
     OpenOffice.org (OOo) uses AutoText in the place of auto fill. 
There is a description of how to use it in Help in OOo.
     I would also recommend you download some Guides to help you learn 
to use OOo more efficiently. There is the complete User Guide at 
http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/. There are some 
additional Guides by OOoAuthors on that same page. These latter 
Guides are available in individual chapters also at:
http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/oooauthors2/. Enjoy!


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