> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lee Wiggers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 4:23 PM
> What's the big flap about MS?  Everyone is acting like this 
> is a new behavior.  Vista is another iteration of the old MS 
> song and dance.
> Pick another os and relax.  You may have to invest a little 
> time in familiarization, but the freedom is well worth the 
> small effort.

It is not just "time in familiarization"!
It is everyday pain in usability even with latest versions.

Trivial "look and feel" sucks big way (start KDE's System Monitor and
compare that to 10-year old Task Manager in Windows NT4), functionality
lucks (which browser on Linux can do File\Send Page, so that recipient
receives double-clickable file and not .php or suchlike?), "another os"
are resource hogs (Vista RC1 is more responsive on Athlon 800/512MB than
FC5) or have more holes than Win95
1002_3-6139117.html?tag=cd.top) .

Even our lovely developers do not seem to value usability that much -
they ignore trivial to fix issues, that are 3 years old. See

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