On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 23:09 +0100, Mathias Bauer wrote:

> No, it's not a matter of missing interest. The problem is that this
> feature needs a huge amount of work to do. I agree that it is an
> important feature. But unfortunately there are so many other issues that
> are important also so that it always is a matter of resources.

Valid point.

> I have planned to sum up the discussion in the issue and join this with
> my own ideas in the next few weeks. Perhaps this can help to get a more
> exact estimation about the amount of work to do for this feature.
> So watching issue 3959 for further comments might be a good idea.

That will be great Mathias! I will be tracking the issue. In the mean
time I will have to work with another tool [M$ :-(]. As soon as the
Outline features come out for OO I will be testing them intensively. It
may also be strategic to be able to import M$ outlines as they are. The
M$-Novell agreement/debate about inter-compatibility may also be


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