I'll be happy to send you the spreadsheet that shows the problems. Let me know.

Every time I pay a utility bill, I add it to the spreadsheet. There are columns that have the (monthly) cost and the monthly usage. I do this for heat (cooking) gas, electricity, water, cable, etc. There are two main charts (graphs?) that display the results, year over year.

There is a 12-point "series" identified for each year in the charts. I color each series different for each year so the chart can be visually evaluated. I have about 10 years of data. This all works fine with Excel but OO is broken.

FWIW you can look at the "GAS USED" chart and see it minimal in the summer (just cooking and hot water). During the winter it goes up dramatically. And, I put comments in the chart as to when I install new windows, etc which might affect the usage.

"ELECTRICITY USED" is different. To first order it is constant all year around.
William W. ("Bill") Plummer
7 Country Club Dr.
Chelmsford, MA  01824-4505
N 42 34.653 W071 21.683

CPHennessy wrote:
On Tue December 5 2006 03:32, + William W. Plummer wrote:
 [ MODERATED ] ***********************

Please explain the type of graphs you are trying to get. Also note that the graphing and charting component is being completely rewritten and should be available in the 2.2 release ( I hope).

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