This sometimes happens with certain virusscanners and/or firewalls. To install OpenOffice anyway do the following:

1. Disconnect you computer from the internet fysically (disconnect phone or UTP cables)
2. Shutdown your virusscanner and firewall
3. Install OpenOffice
4. Startup your virusscanner and firewall
5. Reconnect your internetconnection.

Remember not to connect to the internet again before your virusscanner and firewall are running.

To make sure that your file is really not corrupted, you can perform the MD5-checksum before you install the software. On the website you can read how to do this.

Arnold Huzen

Doug Golden schreef:
I just downloaded 90 meg of your Open Office software.  When I try to run it a 
warning appears that the installation loader is corrupt.  Where do I go from 

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