On Sunday 07 January 2007 13:35, William Ellis wrote:
> I followed the "Installation Instructions at:
> http://download.openoffice.org/2.0.4/instructions.html : 1.  Unpack the
> downloaded image into a directory. For example, currently, the following
> command would unpack into the current directory: 2. tar xvzf
> OOo_2.0.4_LinuxIntel_install.tar.gz
>    3. su to root, if necessary.
>    4. cd into the directory with the unpacked image. This could be RPMS.
>    5. Delete any rpm files that do not apply to your system. For example,
> on a Fedora Core 3 system, delete any rpms specific to another distribution
> such as openofficeorg-suse-menus-1.9.79-1.noarch.rpm. 6. Then execute rpm
> -Uvih *rpm.

It is not completely clear. There is also a directory under RPMS called 
desktop-integration. In there you should find another rpm suitable for your 
system (I don't know what you have). Then run (as root) 
  rpm -Uvih <your-selected-rpm>

This will create menu entries for you to find the applications.

If that fails, then you should find an executable with the name soffice. (Try 
the command
  which soffice
initially in a terminal.) You can then start it through that program.
Andy Pepperdine

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