Harold Fuchs <oo_volunteer <at> wolfeden.demon.co.uk> writes:

> On Tuesday, January 09, 2007 9:40 AM [GMT+1=CET], Andy Pepperdine
> <andy <at> pepperdine.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 09 January 2007 02:13, Kelvin Eldridge wrote:
> Using UK English on my Win XP Pro, OOo 2.1 installation each of the
> words bric-a-brac and bric-à-brac is highlighted  as *two* errors, one
> for "bric" and one for "brac" - each "half" is *separately* underlined
> in squiggly red. This seems to indicate that the hyphen is not regarded
> as part of the word at all; to put it another way, it seems that neither
> bric-a-brac nor bric-à-brac is deemed to be a "word" by the spell
> checker.
> On the other hand, OOo 2.0.4, also using UK English and Win XP Pro only 
> shows the "brac" part as being misspelt, regardless of the accent over 
> the "a".
> Weird.
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England

Thanks also Harold for your input.

I tested OOo 2.0.2 using AU English and Win XP Pro and there were *two* 
errors. So yes what you see for 2.0.4 does appear weird;-)

Kelvin Eldridge
OpenOffice.org Australian English dictionary creator/maintainer.
(Link to latest dictionary file page located at the bottom of the page.)

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