(Stephanie: on public mailing list, please do not top post and, above
all, do not retransmit the whole message you are replying to: the
subscribers have no need to download (paying, if on a metered
connection) the same message twice)

Further comments inline.

On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 14:00:26 PM -0600, Stephanie Boulee

> If you are really concerned with your personal email address being
> seen, I would go to a website like yahoo that provides free email
> accounts.

The threads to which I linked earlier mentions that Yahoo is one of
the webmail providers which also adds the sender IP address in full
view to all messages.

> Sign up for a free email account, subscribe that account and
> unsubscribe your current one, and use it exclusively for your
> openoffice emails

Yes, having more than one email address and keeping public (=mailing
lists) and private email separate is an excellent solution for most

> I personally would not be real concerned with this openoffice email
> though. I would be more concerned going to chat rooms where
> literally ANYONE could be on and are usually not moderated.

Please note that there is absolutely no difference between this list
and a chat room, in terms of how many people can get your email
address without being noticed, because the archives are public.
> Although I am also new to this email list, this is my basic 
> understanding of how it works (judging from the emails I have 
> received).

Your description is correct, and a mailing list is indeed a smart way
to learn and help others. Just one note:

> In addition to that the emails are moderated, so you don't have to
> worry much about spammers, objectionable material, etc.

Most mailing list are set up to automatically reject all messages not
coming from people who had previously subscribed as users. This avoids
much more spam than moderation and requires no human effort. This list
is set in a different way for several reasons.

        Marco Fioretti

The right way to make everybody love Free Standards and Free Software:

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