David Potter wrote:

Umm...I think you are trying to challenge me! I confess that I do not know the meaning of the "FT" in MSFT Office nor do I understand "MDI approach".

well, 'ft' are two last letters from the full name :)
mdi - multiple document interface.

as for it's usefulness...
first, most desktop environments provide a grouping functionality (with a possibility to configure for always/never/when taslbar full), which i despise and disable :)

our popular opensource contenders provide virtual desktops, which i find much easier to use - and they nicely work to group my application windows in any way i want.

there are proposals to implement something resembling tdi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabbed_document_interface :) ) in oo.org, but that won't happen tomorrow.

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