On Friday 19 January 2007 13:29, Marc Hug wrote (regarding Re: [users] 
> You cannot evaluate such a complex software after a few hours. If MS
> Office is for you less "time wasting", it is probably because you know
> it perfectly and know what is the easiest way to do what you want. With
> OpenOffice, you could have the same impression once you know it really.
> Marc H.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

Marc, and others who have responded to J.Hartmann:

J.Hartmann has probably not had the courtesy, patience, time (or a combination 
thereof) to compose a coherent, civil, thought provoking and (in my mind), a 
sensible question - he seems to have expressed an opinion (however incorrect 
that may be) and seems to have a preconceived notion of "good" and "bad".

There seems to be little use in raising to the bait, and responding in kind.  

All I would say to him, and his ilk would be:
"Those who are willing to give up freedom for the sake of short term security, 
deserve neither freedom nor security" (quoted, unashamedly, from Benjamin 

J. Hartmann: should you *still* want help, it would be much better if you were 
to frame, and state, your request in a more considerate manner, keeping in 
mind that all the respondents of this list are volunteers.

Pradeep Srinivas
Bangalore, India

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