John Meyer wrote:
I could go with that, if it wasn't for the fact that on several lists
that I am on I've seen people saying that open source products such as
OpenOffice and Linux need to make inroads in the desktop market.  Added
to the fact is that there are people that are trying to convince their
organizations to use OpenOffice.  That means competing with MS Office,
and as such, you're going to be going against them feature to feature.
Outlook adds a whole slew of features that right now OO can't offer.
Now I am with you in that I like the fact that I can use Thunderbird or
Evolution or whatnot. But I'm also looking at it from the guy who has no
concept of office suites other than Microsoft and is thinking of using
open office.  One of his questions inevitably will be, well, that's
nice, but how about Outlook?
And who says we have to reinvent the wheel?  Would it be so bad, for
instance, if Evolution was merged into OpenOffice, to pick an example
out of the air?  Could this lead to feature creep?  Maybe, maybe not.
Anyway, that's my $.02 USD

Daniel Kasak wrote:


Open-source products don't compete in the same way as commercial
products. The OpenOffice developers, for example, don't care whether you
use Thunderbird, Evolution, webmail, or whatever, as long as you have a
decent list of alternatives. There is no incentive ( a dis-incentive, in
fact ) to continually reinvent the wheel. If there are good open-source
email clients around, why should more developer time ( which is sorely
lacking, by the way ) be wasted on YetAnotherEmailClient?

Get the drift in terms of open-source products.

Hi All,
I know this is not an open office question... but. Whenever I try to download Mozilla lightning
The download address is
I choose Lightning 0.3. and choose the Windows tab.
Since I use Firefox the the software installation screen asks me 'install'I allow the installation of "Lightning - 0.3-tb-windows.xpi " The file will not open becuase it is not compatible with firefox. (which really suprises me.) If anyone could answer or point me in the right direction I would be grateful

kevin Jones

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