Comment in-line.

On Wednesday 24 January 2007 1:39 pm, Casey wrote:
> Thanks for that information.  Let me let you in on what I am trying
> to do. I have excel here at my office.  All of my managers have
> open office.  I have created a spreadsheet in excel for all of the
> managers to use.  They fill out the spread sheet every day in open
> office and the send it back to me.  The reason I want the
> spreadsheet sent back from open office in the body of the email is
> because I have outlook.  I have created a rule for every email
> address of all of my managers to do this:
> 1.    Move the email to a designated folder automatically
> 2.    Print the message automatically
> The problem is that outlook does not have a rule that opens up and
> attachment and then move the attachment to a specific folder and
> print it. The only thing that it will do is send the email to a
> specific folder and print the body of the email.  So you see I am
> trying to not waste time by downloading and printing 30 attachments
> that come into my office everyday. CAN YOU STILL HELP ME WITH
> THAT..
> Casey Stokes

     Just a thought that you might try. Have one of them send the 
email in HTML format and include the spreadsheet as a table within 
the body of the message. I have no idea whether it will work or not.


> From: Harold Fuchs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Polesoft Antispam]Sending Spreadsheets via e-mail (was
> Re: [users] [moderated] YOU MUST GIVE A SUMMARY HERE)
> ---- Original Message ----
> From: Casey
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:02 PM
> Subject: [users] [moderated] YOU MUST GIVE A SUMMARY HERE
> > I am using open office version 2.1.  How do you send the
> > spreadsheet that you create as the body of an email message?
> >
> >
> > Casey Stokes
> Depends on what e-mail client (and possibly what Operating System)
> you are using. Nothing to do with OpenOffice.
> Normally one sends files as attachments. It is a courtesy to try to
> ensure they are readable by the recipients. If you are sending to
> Microsoft users you would be well advised to save/send the
> spreadsheet in either Excel or PDF format. These can be read by
> most Windows systems whereas native OO format cannot. Use Excel
> format if the recipient must be able to modify the spreadsheet. MS
> systems are deficient in that they do not support the International
> Standards Organisation's (ISO) Open Document Format (ODF) used
> natively by OO.
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England

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