On Friday 01 December 2006 13:08, + Sandee Gannon wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ********************
> a.. I am using version 2.0.4 of OpenOffice.org. My problem is : When using
> autocorrect in Writer. If I use a word in the AutoCorrect list at the end
> of a sentence followed by a punctuation mark it does not get expanded.  Ex.
> in AutoCorrect I set rtr to be replaced with return and type the following:
>   The patient will rtr.   In Microsoft Word this would be recognized as the
> end of the sentence ant rtr would be expanded to return. In OO it does not
> expand.
> Another problem is, using the same example from above, if I type the
> sentence - Rtr for further assessment- in MS Word it would expand as Return
> rather than return. In OO it expands as return (not capitalized).

Sorry for the late reply.

Can you please report this in issuezilla ? ( http://openoffice.org -> "My 
Pages" -> "Register", then when you receive a confirmation email, "Login" 
and "File an issue" )
In this way the relevant developers will see your bug report / suggestion and 
you will also see the progress of this feature / bug report if it is 

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