On Thursday February  08 2007 11:03 am, Andreas Siegert wrote:
> on 02/08/2007 05:37 PM Pete Holsberg said the following:
> > Graham Smith produced the following on 2/8/2007 2:35 AM:
> >> http://www.techwr-l.com/techwhirl/magazine/technical/replacefram
> >>ewithwriter.html
> >
> > Hmmm... "What matters is not how the comparisons are weighted,
> > but that they can be reasonably made at all. Users of Writer may
> > wish for some features of FrameMaker. They may need to adjust to
> > a different logic and layout. However, so long as they take the
> > time to learn Writer, they can be in little doubt that they are
> > using software that competes with FrameMaker on its own terms,
> > and wins as often it loses. Even ignoring the cost and
> > philosophical differences, OpenOffice.org is clearly an
> > acceptable alternative to FrameMaker."
> Hmm, I wonder how much work he did with OO Writer...
> I will have to buy an update to my old FM license pretty soon as OO
> Writer is sadly miles away from what is needed for reliable book
> writing: Images jump around, TOCs show differently than specified,
> PDF export kills color profiles in images, style definitions are a
> messed up hodgepodge (bulleting/headings/lists are partly outside
> of the regular styles, partly inside and the interdependency is not
> documented, yuck!)
> I use OO Writer on a daily basis for simple medium sized documents,
> but I would not trust it for book projects.
> cheers
> afx

    And yet, some of the documentation for OpenOffice.org is available 
in book form and can be bought as a book. It has been created and 
edited several times using OOo.


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