
Thanks, I thought it might be, there is unfortunately some confusion within
the term DTP between tools for laying out a flyer or magazine and tools for
producing books and other text intensive documents.

I've just started using Lyx, and while I suspect it isn't a FM killer,  it
does seem very good for the work that I do.


On 8 Feb 2007 19:52:23 +0100, Andreas Siegert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Re: [users] Re: Open Office and Desktop publishing
Date: Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 06:13:30PM +0000

Hi Graham,

Quoting Graham Smith:
> Have you used Scribus?
> if so how does that compare with FM and OOo.

I actually installed it today and had a quick look.
It is a layout program, not a writing program. Probably nice to do a flyer
or small brochure, but not for writing anything lengthy with cross
I really wish I still had FM on AIX (or Linux) ;-(


Andreas Siegert

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