On Monday February 12 2007 14:59, Judi F wrote:
> I have been using OO for 4 years for basic office tasks.  I just downloaded
> and installed the latest stable version V 2.1.  I immediately found that
> the terrible problem of printing envelopes has still not been addressed. 
> It is possible but still extremely awkward and time wasting.  This is
> actually what prevents me from moving completely to OO.  For this reason
> alone I must keep a copy of MSWord around on every computer I use (5 of
> them).  With every version I have sent a request begging that this issue be
> resolved.  I am not a programmer but I am sure that if MS can make it
> happen so easily surely OO people can as well.  I probably type more single
> envelopes than anything else.  To have to use the Insert function and then
> have to wait for a blank piece of paper to be ejected before I can print
> again is mind numbing.
> In spite of our increasing use of email it is still necessary to type many
> envelopes per day in the average office.   Oh how I would love to see this
> function enabled in Open Office. I really can't recommend it fully to other
> desk workers without this option. Please, please, please.
> Judi Freed

Judi I type a lot of envelopes and I do not get a blank page with each one. 
The way I did it was Insert --> envelope fill in all the information and 
format and select printer. Then I click new document. This gives me a new 
screen with just the envelope  (#10 in my case). I then save the envelope as 
a odt document. when i want to print new ones, I call it up change the name 
and address to the place it going an print it. I do not save it when done. So 
I use the original as a sudo template.

Since you said singfle envelopes I assume your not talking about a mail list 
type document. Hope this helps you 

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