On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 17:33:36 -0500
Joe Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> What desktop are you running? What exact sequence did you use with 
> Ctrl+Shift+u (where do you hold and release what keys exactly)?

Gnome 2.6.something -- the latest that is the default for Ubuntu Edgy.

> Using Fedora 5 (Gnome/Gtk), I found that the keyboard unicode entry 
> using Ctrl+Shift+xxxx (this is feature of Gtk) broke after 2.0.2. I 
> filed a bug but never got any official response. I don't know if OOo is 
> broken, Gtk has changed, or Fedora 5 is just out of date somehow.
> My other apps (e.g. Mozilla) still work fine with Ctr+Shift+xxxx.
> I've never heard of the Ctrl+Shift+u technique.

I've been going through OOo hell lately. Everything was just fine when
I used OOo 2.0.2 under Ubuntu Dapper amd64. But one day Dapper screwed
me royally -- I could not log in. I tried everything. I spent hours and
hours googling and evidently the problem I experienced was not
uncommon. However, none of the fixes I found would work. After spending
an entire day trying to fix it I felt I had no choice but to either
wipe the partition and reinstall (aaaarrgh!!!) or try to do an apt-get
dist-upgrade to Edgy. Luckily I have another partition on this laptop
with another installation of Dapper which I could use as a rescue
setup. That's what I was using while googling trying to fix the broken
installation. But the rescue installation was bare bones and I had
dozens of programs and settings in my main installation that it would
take me a week to set back up again. Luckily I was able to make a
complete backup of ~/ just in case I needed to wipe the partition and
reinstall Dapper.

So I tried the apt-get dist-upgrade first, and it worked, and I was
able to log in normally. It broke a couple of things, but nothing that
I couldn't fix relatively easily. However, the apt-get dist-upgrade
also upgraded OOo 2.0.2 to OOo 2.0.4, and that is where my OOo hell
began. The first thing that I noticed was that drag and drop of text
(like moving a clause from the end of a sentence to the front of the
sentence) would not work. And there was also a problem with default tab
settings -- I am unable to change from the default. And I discovered
that Ctrl+Shift+hex to insert a character no longer worked. I posted
about that here and someone kindly pointed out that with 2.0.4 it was
changed to Ctrl+Shift+u, release the keys, then type the hex code, then
space and it pops the character in. That worked fine and I was happy
that at least that problem was just a user interface change. (This
should fix your problem.)

After posting here and googling all over without finding a fix for the
drag and drop and for the default tab settings problems I finally
decided the thing to do was to upgrade to OOo 2.1. It's not in the
Ubuntu repositories, but I found some .debs for 64-bit OOo 2.1 and
installed them with dpkg (after doing a complete removal of 2.0.4). 

However, 2.1 was horrible. I don't know what they did to it, but the
menus were in an unreadable fuzzy font, too small to read, and there
were all kinds of other problems. Worse, the problems with drag and
drop and the default tab settings remained unfixed. So I did a complete
uninstall and then reinstalled 2.0.4. (I'd reinstall 2.0.2 except that
it is no longer in the repositories.)

But now I have new problems with 2.0.4. First, the drag and drop
problem and the default tab settings problem remain unfixed. And now I
have a new problem -- I get an error message the first time I go to
save a document after launching Writer:

Error loading BASIC of document
General error
General input/output error.

I click on OK and the message pops up again. I click on OK again and
Writer then goes ahead and saves the document. Acting on a hunch I
tried running a macro and got another (different) error message. I
suspect the Basic modules are not installed, but why that should be I
have no idea.

And now I can no longer insert a character from the keyboard. Ctrl+Shift
+u no longer works, nor does the old method. Insert > Special Character
with the palette still works, but that is very time consuming. And Ctrl
+Shift+u still works in all my other programs, so the fault is not in
Gnome or Ubuntu.

I just did a complete uninstall and reinstall of 2.0.4 and it didn't
fix any of these problems. I've got a seriously broken OOo here and I
don't know what else to try in order to fix it. Everything else -- the
OS, all my other apps -- are working fine.

Any suggestions welcome.

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