dale friedgen wrote:

I am using open office for the 2nd time and really
love it but am stuck on something.  I am making
business cards
and on the screen they look fine. Everything is lined
up and all.  When I print them as you go down from
left to right the indentation increases and the
letters slant sharply to the left.  On the screen
everything is perfect.  It kind of looks like the
short story as it appears on the screen in Star Wars
in the beginning of the movie.  HELP

                           thank you

This is a mystery to me -- I've been quite successful at printing business cards using OOo. Try exporting your file as a .pdf; it should print just the way it looks in Adobe, so if it comes out right that way you'll at least be able to print.

Even if this doesn't solve your problem, it'll give you time to pursue it.

Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

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