On Wednesday March  07 2007 9:11 am, David Allan wrote:
> I am using OpenOffice.org2.1, my problem is:
> I am getting a message telling me:
> Either another instance of OpenOffice.org is accessing your
> personla settings or they are locked. Simultaneous access can lead
> to inconsistencies in you personal settings. Before continiung, you
> should make sure user "closes OpenOffice,org ion host".
> Please tell me how to do this asap, as I urgently ned to access it
> but do not want to cause any inconsistencies.
> Thank you
> David Allan

     The first thing I would do is close OpenOffice.org and 
Quickstarter (icon in the System tray on Windows). Then I would 
reboot the computer. This should clear up the problem. If it does not 
search for a *.lck file. Remove any that are found in your 
OpenOffice.org folders. This should solve the problem.


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