On Wednesday 11 April 2007, Johnny Andersson wrote:
> So what are we all doing wrong that makes people think
> that? How can we make people understand? Isn't there
> enough information on the web site? Or is it written in a
> way that's hard to understand for common users? Maybe
> there should be a link in
> big capitals on the web site, saying something like "WHAT
> IS OPENOFFICE.ORG ?" and another one saying "FAQ about
> OpenOffice.org". On the other hand, there actually IS a
> link saying "New user & general info". That should be
> enough, but obviously it's not.
> Maybe it just doesn't matter what is written on the web
> site, people will probably always think it's easier to
> get answers by asking questions, no matter how many
> people asked the same questions before.
> Besides, Windows users are often incredibly stupid. Like
> me for instance, I have been using windows since 1994 I
> think. I have been hating it since the same year and I
> still use the damn thing. Is that stupid or what? But I
> promise that will change before the summer! Or something
> like that.

Here is your opportunity to change now!


Actually I was thinking of Vector Linux. Is that a stupid idea?
But maybe this should be discussed somewhere else. Does anyone have the
address to which I can send an empty message for subscribing to the
discussion list?

Johnny Andersson

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