Sean Walton wrote:
I have changed my bib database, and I want to reflect the changes in my document. How do I do it without re-adding all the citations?
-Sean Walton
PS. This is for my PhD qualifiers which is due in a couple days.

    Changes to the bibliographic database are not updated in the document.

This issue is often reported as a bug <>. However it is design limitation of the current bibliographic facilities, so it is not a bug or defect. Each time you insert a bibliographic entry into a document the bibliographic data (Author name, date publisher etc.) is copied from the database into the bibliographic entry fields. This is the case even for multiple entries of the same citation. No connection is maintained between the citation data in the document and the original database references or between citations to the same reference, in the same document. For a workaround to this issue see - How do I correct the citations in my document <>. A solution is proposed in our bibliographic project plans <>.

[edit <>]

    How do I correct the citations in my document?

If you have inserted a citation (Bibliography Entry) may times in a document and need to correct it. Correcting it in the database is not enough. The changes are NOT automatically made in the document. In fact each citation has complete copy of the citation data and must be correct for each citation. You have several options:

3. If you have too many citations to change in this way then you can edit the save file. Make a backup of your file. Rename your xxx.odt file, open the zip archive and extract the contents.xml file, open that file in a writer. *Very carefully* do a global find and replace for your corrections. Save the contents.xml back into the zip archive. Rename xxx.odt. Hoping you have not destroyed your file, open it and check.

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