To All: I enjoy OOo as a program, but do not enjoy anything IBM; I had hoped this would be the year I would switch to Linux full time, but with no voice dictation available I cannot do so, and now with the other problems that are daily associated with Linux, such as the need to be a programmer of some sort, it just is not worth it! James Knott's foul mouthed attitude is just a case in point, with the added bonus he does not even address the mail issue of IBM betrayal. If such is not the case then state the facts and stop accusing someone of being a troll when it more likely is you or others that are!!!!! >:o

John Boyle wrote:
To James Knott: Foul language was not needed! If you read the entire message, I stated that IBM had betrayed the Linux community as far as any voice dictation software which they used to produce for Linux. As far as Linux goes, with all the NON-SUPPORT from my local alleged Linux guru's has been non-existent. The only help I have received that mattered was from Linux Questions.Org! Simply put, unless you are a programmer, even the slightest, Linux is NOT for novice's!!!!! I will not be bothering You again, nor anyone else associated with Linux, as I simply need to save my arthitic hands from any more pain with absolutely no gain!!!! >:o

James Knott wrote:
John Boyle wrote:
To users: Due to IBM's abominable betrayal of those in the open
software community, I hope they lose BIG !!!

WTF are you talking about?

Also, if they "lose BIG", we all lose BIG.  This is all about a
shakedown scam trying to lay claim to all of Linux, by misappropriating
the works of others.

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