mike scott wrote:
> On 20 May 2007 at 16:43, Dan Lewis wrote:
> ... 
>>       If you were frustrated because something was not working the way 
>> you thought it should, would you want to "cross a couple of rivers 
>> before you got a cup of water"? Granted, there are some who are not 
>> willing to try to find an answer. But what about those who have tried 
>> and could not find what they thought they needed?
> I see where you're coming from, but I have to say the noise:information 
> ratio here is incredibly high, and getting worse.
> Maybe a tip from the TfL 'oystercard' website could be considered. They 
> have a general 'ask us a question' facility(*); but having typed in the 
> question and hit 'submit', it searches an FAQ /first/, gives a short-
> list of likely topics, and asks if the question has been answered. You 
> can't stop someone ignoring this of course, and simply hitting 'No', 
> but I'm sure it would remove some of the frequent questions, like "does 
> it run on vista". or "I've bought OOo and want my paid-for support".
There could be that too, and that's a reasonable idea.  But I'm
beginning to think that if the noise ratio is getting too high here,
maybe we should build some walls. Or more specifically, we build a sound
Follow this:  supposing we created a mailing list, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
frequented by a few people who are open to being the "wizened old souls"
and funneled the non subscribed e-mails or the e-mails generated by that
"YOU MUST PUT A SUMMARY HERE" form over there.   Anybody who signed up
for that list knows what they are getting into (namely, the same old
questions that are usually answered by the FAQ).

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