On Friday May  25 2007 2:54 am, Michal Kaut wrote:
> Hello,
> Probably a stupid question, but I have not found the answer
> anywhere:
> I have just downloaded OOo 2.2 for Windows. I have noticed that
> default installation directory is NOT the current OOo 2.1
> directory. Hence, I would like to know:
> - Can I install 2.2 over 2.1 and preserve my settings add-ins?
> - If not, should I uninstall 2.1 prior to installing 2.2 (Surely, I
> don't need two versions installed). And if so, is there any way to
> preserve my settings and add-ins?
> I assume the answers must be somewhere on the net, but I did not
> managed to find them.. :-(
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Regards,
> Michal Kaut

     When I installed OOo 2.2 on my Win 98SE partition, it 
automatically installed over the earlier 2.04 version. All of my 
settings were preserved. It should install over 2.1 just as it does 
for 2.04.


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