On Monday June  04 2007 1:49 pm, David M wrote:
> I'm trying to create a timesheet in Calc where I enter my start and
> end times for each day of work (in 24-hour format to avoid tying
> myself in knots with the 12-hour time format), and then have Calc
> show the amount of time worked for each day (ie, calculate the
> difference between the two times, and also subtract my lunch
> break), and then add up those daily values for weekly totals.
> I defined the format of the appropriate cells as "Time", and so
> far, so good ..apart from when I work more than 24 hours in a week
> (my level of work varies) and then my attempted weekly total Does
> The Wrong Thing and carries away 24 hours-worth [1], leaving only
> the "remainder", and so displaying the wrong answer.
> [1] to who knows where..
> I presume, therefore, that Time is strictly a time-of-day format,
> rather than that to be used for performing calculations on
> hour:minute values?
> Is it possible to set an appropriate cell format that will allow me
> to add up these time values to get the correct cumulative total?
> The only solution that springs immediately to mind would be just to
> use normal decimal numbers (and to enter the time in decimal
> format, ie, 18:30 -> 18.5, fortunately I don't require greater than
> quarter-hour accuracy and can avoid too-messy fractions), but that
> would still be seriously ugly, and I just /know/ I'd end up typing
> (eg) 18.30 without thinking, half the time..  :-(
> Thanks in advance for any advice,
> David.

 It is all in how you format your time. What you need to do in your 
time cells is to create a custom format. Look at the Format code in 
the Options section at the bottom. With a 24 hour clock, you should 
see: HH:MM or HH:MM:SS. To do what you want to do, change it to
[HH]:MM or [HH]:MM:SS. Click the green check to the right, and then 
Click OK.


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