Copied to Al,

A couple of things:

1.  In Calc, begin equasions with the equals sign.
2. You open with a single quote and close with a double quote. This will confuse things.

Try the following and see if it works better for you:
=IF(A1>0 ; 10 ; "Too small")

Joe Conner
Poulsbo, WA USA

Al Brown wrote:
I am using Open Office 2.2 and have the following problem: I have tried to use an 'IF' statement in an Open Office spreadsheet. I did a cut-and-paste
on the Help File <IF(A1>0;10;'too small")> example and even that does not
work.  I put the statement in B2 and entered 12 in A1 with no results.
Please help.  I really need that IF statement.

Al Brown

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