I downloaded and installed Open Office a few days ago, so I have not had
time to really put it to the test.  What I have seen however, is very
impressive, and since I work for a Non-Profit organization, it is a godsend.
There are a few issues, however, that cause me to pause.

First, the document Scan.  M.S. Office has 'Imgae Scan' and 'Document Scan",
both of which I use quite frequently.  Open Office can scan only a picture.
I can get around this, but I must scan and save each document as a separate
file. (I DO like the pdf feature, by the way), whereas with Office I can put
numerous docs together as 1 file.  This feature alone has prevented me from
removing my temp copy of MS Office from my computer.

Also on Calc, when I define the print ranges, half the time they get
ignored. And when I close the worksheet, and re-open it later, I have to
re-define the print ranges again, even if I saved the worksheet with the
defined ranges.


Overall, Open Office is at worst as good as MS Office.  At best, its
actually superior in many ways.  Unfortunately, its some of the little
'perks', such as the 'Document Scan" that can make the difference.  Until I
get a better handle on some of the features of Open Office, I must say that
right now I don't know which I am going to keep.


I know this is an open source project, but I am an office administrator who
knows absolutely nothing about programming.  Can you recommend an email
client that works well with Open Office?


Thank You for your time





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