On 12/07/2007, at 2:50 AM, Harold Fuchs wrote:

Lasantha Marian wrote:
This problem has been there since the beginning of OOo 2.2.x (starting
with RCs') and I have brought the attention of the developers also to
the same by this bug report
(http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=75118). Nothing
positive has happened yet. OOo 2.0.x series is immune to this problem.

The circumstances under which I found the problem were different to how you may how found the problem. But I too have done various test and can
confirm that this problem occurs under following conditions.

Any sheet having date cells imported from databases (MSSQL or
PostgreSQL) or pasted from result sets given by such programs, can have the problem. When the cell pointer is focussed at the cell (having such
dates) the date rolls back/forward by one date.

Jonathan, your point I too have observed and I found that this problem
and the behavior you mentioned are mutually exclusive.

I think attention of OOo developers should be immediately paid to this
as date cells are almost unavoidable in Spreadsheets and accurate
representation of dates are essential under any circumstance.


Jonathon Coombes wrote:

<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">
On 05/07/2007, at 12:35 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

Guan Kiet Yeo wrote:

Dear Sir,

  I'm using version 2.2.1 of OpenOffice.org Calc. My
problem is the date after I save and then re-open the
file, the date that I have key in the worksheet will
totally run out. It will change to 2days earlier.

   For example, I key in 07/01/07, it will show
06/29/07. Please help me to solve it out.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Jet Yeo
+63 920 583 9051
+6012-260 2606

I think that no one has replied because they don't understand what
the problem is that you are having. When you key in a date, it
displays properly unless there is something else involved. Can you
explain your problem more completely?
- does this happen in any worksheet, even a new, blank one?
- does it happen in any cell formatted as a date?
- does it happen immediately or do you have to close the worksheet
and re-open it?

Have a look under the Tools -> Options -> OpenOffice.org Calc ->
Calculate area and you will see a section labeled 'Date'. My guess is
that you had entered your dates and then this area was changed from
default to one of the other two values either in your application or
by using a different install of OpenOffice.org to your original. Just
note that if you enter a date and change these Date settings, the
dates will change. You have to reenter existing dates to get them
accurate, but once changed there will be no issue if you keep it
consistent. Also note that it is dangerous to use the non-default
values here if you intend to share these or use them with other
versions set for default in the future.


Jonathon Coombes
OOo Knowledgebase:-  http://mindmeld.cybersite.com.au

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Could this be connected to the fact that Excel wrongly believes that 1900 was a leap year? Dates are stored as the number of dates since some "epoc" date, often 1/1/1900. Using this we see that, using *Excel*

1 Jan 1900 is stored as 0 (zero days *after* 1/1/1900)
31 Jan 1900 ........... 30
1 Feb 1900 ........... 31
28 Feb 1900 ........... 58

At this point things start going awry. Excel believes there is a 29 Feb 1900 and, if it saw this date, *would* store it as 59. So we get (*wrongly*)

29 Feb stored as 59
1 Mar        as 60
2 Mar        as 61 and so on.

Of course, because of this phantom 29 Feb,

59 should be 1 Mar
60 should be 2 Mar
61 should be 3 Mar and so on.

Now, OpenOffice Calc *knows* this so, when it sees a .ods (Calc) file with a date 61 it shows it as 3 Mar but when it sees a .xls (Excel) file with the *same* value it adjusts to show it as 2 Mar.

Given all this, it seems possible that Calc *believes* (wrongly) that the OP's file came from Excel and therefore that it needs to adjust any stored date after 28 Feb 1900 (=58) by subtracting 1 from it. This would account for the observed behaviour.

No solace for the OP unfortunately but at least a rational (?) hypothesis.

Maybe a rational hypothesis, but it seems everyone is looking at a difference of 1 day. The OP said specifically, and gave example, that it was a difference of 2 days that was coming up? How can a difference of 2 days be accounted for at this stage?

Jonathon Coombes
OOo Knowledgebase:-  http://mindmeld.cybersite.com.au

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